A video game tax has been proposed in New Mexico, that says video games purchased in the state may become subject to an additional tax like cigarettes and alcohol. The tax has been proposed by the Sierra Club of New Mexico who believe that video games should be taxed in order to fund a government campaign to promote outdoor education among kids.
This proposed video game tax not only levies a burden onto to video game enthusiasts and the growing game industry in New Mexico, but if any game tax bill were to pass into law, it would set a very dangerous precedent. The Sierra Club also wants to tax televisions as well, so why limit it to TV and video games, as they could also set their sites on movies and books?
It is unconstitutional to single out video games and video game enthusiasts with a "special tax." Why should they be taxed any differently than other forms of entertainment, like movies, books, and music? By singling out video games, these interest groups and politicians are passing judgment on our preferred form of art and entertainment. Let's leave the parenting to parents, not new government programs which once again unfairly target video games. Help prevent this dangerous precedent from being set, spread the word now.
Spread the word to your Friends and Family in New Mexico!