Wednesday, February 14, 2007

    Hiring in Bangalore

    In case you haven't already heard, the Development Systems test group is hiring a senior software test engineer at our Bangalore, India office. Yep, one unfortunate individual will have the opportunity to work directly with me in testing Microchip's C compilers, assemblers, and linkers.

    As I was helping my manager write the job description, I got to thinking... what kind of a person makes a good development-tool test engineer, or more specifically, a compiler test engineer? Should we look for someone with software-testing experience? compiler development experience? embedded-systems experience?

    Of course most of the hiring resources that I found said to look for someone with the ability to learn, solve problems, and communicate effectively and not just someone with a specific skill set. Good advice. On the other hand, I really do want to find someone with at least a few basic pre-existing skills. I don't want to have to teach someone how to convert a hexadecimal value to binary. OK, so I guess that means I need someone who has at least some embedded-systems knowledge.

    Basically, I'm looking for someone who can solve problems and communicate effectively and who also has some embedded-systems knowledge. Sounds easy enough.

    In order to identify a candidate who meets those requirements, we put together a short technical screening test that we plan to give to candidates when they come in for their interview. It's pretty easy; any engineering student with a few embedded systems classes under their belt should be able to answer the questions. I'm thinking that we'll give the test to the candidate when they first come in, and then ask them to explain their answers and thinking in the oral part of the interview. What do you think? Will that help me to find a good compiler test engineer?

    You can really help me out by posting some suggestions for both technical and more open-ended questions as comments to this post. What qualities would you look for if you were doing the hiring?

    As they say on the forum: Thanks in advance!

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